This week has been very meaningful and fulfilling for me, although, to be honest, it has also been kind of tiring since I had to teach every day. Honestly, I was quite nervous about teaching. However, with the guidance of my mentor during the lesson planning and activities, I was able to teach throughout the week successfully!

In addition to this, I had the opportunity to teach two other kindergarten classes basic English. This was a memorable experience because it was my first time teaching, and I worried that the children might not understand the contents of the topic. To help them grasp the lesson, I used various instructional materials. I was grateful that Teacher Emma was by my side, assisting and translating what I taught to the kids.
I'm grateful for this opportunity because I also got to bond with other children, and they began to recognize me. A key realization during my time teaching kindergarten students was the importance of learning their language, even the basics. It’s essential not to force your students to conform solely to your language; instead, you should adjust your teaching to meet their needs. As a teacher, learning from your students is important, just as they learn from you.
Despite having many “what ifs” running through my mind, I identified areas where I need to improve. I gained valuable insights that I can effectively apply as a future teacher to enhance student engagement, classroom management, and facilitate optimal levels of learning. This will enable me to better support students’ individual learning and development.
Lastly, what really had last long impact on me was that I realize that even though I was having a hard time teaching and managing the classroom because of language barriers, I learned that teaching is not about how well you speak their language, it’s about how you go beyond the verbal communication, which involves empathetic engagement with your students.